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Showing posts from October, 2022

Reflecting on Mathematics

     As I progress through each week, I feel like my ability to connect to maths and sciences in a different light is slowly progressing. I am able to approach these subjects from different perspectives, which will benefit my teaching pedagogy in order to engage all of my students. As we all know, not every student learns the same, and as a teacher, it is essential for us to understand how we can adapt our approaches to subjects in order to meet the needs of all students. This was shown extremely well through the activity where we were tasked with creating a shape with building cubes, to create a shape with the smallest surface area. Although we were given a task, we were not told how we had to find a solution; we were simply given the tools to find a solution in our own ways. For someone like myself, who did not have a positive outlook on mathematics growing up, I found this activity engaging because I was able to come up with a solution in my own way; there was no "right" w